Chelsea & Meg's New Years Wedding

“I love her and that is the beginning and the end of everything.”―F. Scott Fitzgerald I love these women. They are fun, genuine, kind and throw an incredible New Years party. They might not be able to shake Lacy and I, we are showing up to all their New Years celebrations from here on. Chelsea and Meg hosted their wedding in Sunriver Oregon at the Sunriver Resort's Great Hall. The day was oh so chilly, I believe it was -6 degrees when we left at 1am! But these two women and their closest friends and family fought through the cold to capture some incredible portraits outside. Between the first look, the ceremony and some moving toasts, there were so many tears of joy, and huge laughs. Once the formalities were over, they crowded the dance floor for hours (special thanks to Courtney at Flip Flop Sounds!). It was one of the best parties I've been to! Lacy and I loved every second of this day. We couldn't have possibly spent our New Years in a better way.